As the Covid-19 Pandemic continues, and different kinds of “MCO”s remain in place, the likelihood of life returning to “normal” is still distant. BOLD, like many organizations, has had to review our strategies in response to this crisis.
Our teams have been adaptable and resilient. Focus on Literacy and First Step Early Intervention Programs have gone Online from April 2020. But other programs that require face-to-face interactions have essentially stopped since March 2020. This meant that our centers have been under-utilized for the past year.
Looking forward, there is an obvious need to re-strategize and revamp our programs. BOLD’s strategy is to move to more online and outreach work. Hence the decision to close down the Minden Heights Center and share the premises of ACS First Step Early Intervention Centre at 227 Jalan Pemancar will save expenditure on rentals and consolidate our partnership with ACS. We are also looking into moving our shared center in Seberang Jaya to a less expensive location. As we continue to revamp and work together, BOLD and ACS hope to serve our target groups more effectively.
BOLD's new opening hours will be announced after the MCO has been lifted.
For further information, please contact 011-20684776 or email
